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Christmast Eve

Mayu San brings this when she go back from part-time job, this is original sweet from Fukuoka, inside is red bean, oishi. Kawaii moo, I can't eat this :(

24 December 2018

This day I woke up at 9 am, I feel so dizzy when I wake up. I sleep at Mayu's apato, what I remember was Mayu San went to a part-time job at 11 am, and she said she already arrange the schedule for me for a whole week in Ehime. Nice

Because my friend is so busy, all of them because of arubaito aka part-time job. That's why I called them arubaito fighters, so they have to arrange a schedule to hang out with me around Ehime. When I heard this plan, I feel like "Are you seriously?" I mean if I have to hang out all by myself, it just okay for me because I already have an internet connection and Google will help me with pleasure. But I don't say that much, she only said

"daijobu dayo~~"it means it's ok dayo~~

"well, ok desu wakarimashita" *continue to sleep*

"at 1 pm Castle will come to bring you some food, please send him a message if he has not come yet"


Now I feel like a pet hahaha I wonder how Mayu send message to Castle

'Hey Castle, please feed Gari-Chan at 1 pm oke!' LOL

But because Castle is so tired I think he just goes to Mayu's apato at 3 pm, and I said it was oke since I totally wake up at 1 pm. He brings Kare!!!!

Kare by Castle San, the best kare in Ehime

I actually realize that this day is Christmas Eve and as Christian nerd, I have to go to church, but I denied it until Mayu San going home. Before that, I try to google about the church near Dogo area but I can't find any of them, maybe it because I google it with English. So when Mayu San go home I ask if there is a church near here, her reaction made me a shock "AHH, THIS IS CHRISTMAS EVE" "yes, do you know church near here?" "Ya ya I knew, but I'm not sure it was Catholic or Cristian, it was different right?" "Yah" "Wanna check? It just 5 minutes from here" "Wow okay" It was 9 pm, and when we go there it was Catholic Church! But the Christmas event? is just over 20 min ago LOL. "Could you ask them Mayu if there is Christmas will be held again tomorrow?" "Ah ok" Then Mayu ask and they talk and talk talk long talk It was old Japanese couple, so friendly :( And they know about Indonesia, and oh ya I forgot, this is the day after big earthquake and tsunami in Banten, Indonesia. So they ask me about it. After that Mayu San said, they have Christmas again tomorrow at 10 am. So we go tomorrow, now let's go to suupa and buy some food for dinner!" Oke Maam and my Christmas Eve is just fly away like that, but I'm really shocked I can find Catholic Church in Ehime, I think God really wants me to go to church even it was in Japanese.

Brokoli and eggs salad and bacon? with sprout and ocha~ I like the bacon, I just realize, I'll cook it soon.

This is my Christmas dinner we cook together, Oishiiyooo, Itadakimasu!!

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